pi Web Development

Welcome to my web development, technical/content writing, and freelancing portfolio site!

Picture of me sitting outside one of my favorite coffee shops.
Enjoying the view from Walnut Street Coffee in Edmonds, WA.

I am a freelance web application developer, SEO analyst, and technical/content writer.

I put together this site to highlight my portfolio of sites, documents, and projects I have worked on. However, it will also be a place for me to ponder what it is like to be an over-50ish developer who loves to stay technically creative in an ever-changing industry.

Why the pi? It’s a take-off on my initials for Timothy Trimble – tt. When I write some personal pondering of my life as a writer and developer, I refer to it as a “slice of pi.” Being as geeky as I am, it fits.

Websites and Web Apps

Screenshot of Timothy's Newsletter site.

While I have been a developer of desktop and mobile-based software since the early ’80s, I am now focusing on web application development. With the recent advances in HTML5, CSS3, Frameworks, CMS, Reactive sites, and Progressive Web Apps – the title of “Web Developer” is a bit misleading. Web Development is no longer just the act of creating and maintaining a website. Websites are no longer just static sites of content. They are Web Applications – a blend of code, databases, servers, and reactive user interfaces. It is this mix of interactive technologies that has finally pulled me away from the realm of client-based applications into the world of web applications.

This site will show some of the web-based projects I have worked on for my own personal needs and as a part of my college studies for my Web Application Developer certificate, and some of the work I am doing for my clients.

SEO and Website Analysis

Woman writing math on a whiteboard

Until I took a college course in Search Engine Optimization, I thought I knew what it was. Generically, I thought it was just the process of getting a higher ranking on Google. When I discovered that it was way more than that, the light bulbs came on, the clouds parted, and my enlightenment into website optimization greatly expanded my horizons. Since I’m a big advocate of best practices, the science of SEO and how it applies to website design is a big part of my focus when designing a new site or analyzing an existing site.

Technical and Content Writing

The author writing on campus.

I have always been a writer! From the time I was 12 and I discovered the works of Lewis Carroll, I knew I was going to be a writer. And when I dove into the computer industry, I found new ways to put my writing talents to work. Product reviews, magazine articles, user guides, website content, UX/UI content, training materials, white papers, and process workflows have become another outlet for my writing. When I’m not creating fictional stories, I’ll document the non-fiction world and hopefully help others learn how to survive the technologies we interact with.

Best Practices

Screenshot of computer code.
Photo by luis gomes from Pexels

I have always advocated for following the best software development and delivery processes. I blame my old days as an assembly language game programmer – always looking for the best way to do something in the least amount of code. In today’s modern and rapid delivery models, I still look for and present the best practices for providing solutions. There are many methodologies: Waterfall, Agile, SCRUM, etc. It all boils down to the standard for a Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). If you don’t take the time to design and develop before delivery, I guarantee you’ll spend more time fixing and explaining after delivery. If you ignore the best practices, your operational costs and resources will significantly increase.

One of my most popular white papers and most downloaded is my Software Development Life Cycle Guidelines. It is free and will guide you through the necessary thought processes for a successful design, development, and implementation of a software product or web application.

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